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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Charlie Murphy Boo'd by Grambling State Crowd

November 3, 2010
Besides Grambling States world famed band, and their hard hitting football team Grambling State is known for one thing. Being unsympathetic for anyone, and yes this includes famous comedian Charlie Murphy. Charlie Murphy's act consisted of jokes about "Vegetable Sperm", "Michael Jackson", "Acid" and taking his daughter to see "Alice in Wonderland" the movie.

Unfortunately this didn't go over to well with the Grambling State crowd. One student shouted out "boring!" and C. Murphy responded by saying: " I've made people all over the world laugh, people that barley speak English. How could I not be funny to yall!?" clearly puzzled at the fact that his material wasn't going over well. From their he began to spiral down hill getting even more boos and rude comments from the student body. He then request his check from the school for approximately (twenty-two thousand) and threw it at the crowd saying "Yall can have yall money' and f**k yall.

later that night C. Murphy comment on his twitter @cmurphycomedy saying "I gave back your 22 thousand because I don't need it you do." and
You guys should take that money and go on a trip off campus. Sorry Charlie it's a bit late for jokes now, should of did that on stage.

1 comment:

  1. I go to grambling and I was in the third row last night and I must say that he was just AWFUL. Funny in no way. It was obvious that he didn't have any material ready and he was wingin it. I was telling everybody to chill out before he said Fuck Y'all then it was on. His stand up sucks and his writing is viciously mediocre, he'll never be like Eddie.
